Rock Solid Earth
Trusted geotechnical experts

Landslide Risk Assessment


If your site is sloping significantly, then in addition to a standard soil test, you will need to assess the stability of your site before building.  Erosion Management Overlays (EMOs) are put in place by local councils to manage areas where landslides or excessive erosion of soil is a problem.  In order to meet the requirements of an EMO or to plan a building on a sloping block, a Landslide Risk Assessment (LRA) is required.

To assess your site, an experienced geotechnical engineer will visit the property to complete onsite testing and take samples for laboratory testing.  From this information a detailed analysis will be performed in order to identify the risk to your property and determine the construction and maintenance requirements for your building.

All LRAs come with a signed declaration from a Chartered Geotechnical Engineer with specialised experience with Stability Analysis and tailored to the requirements of your Council.

What is a LRA?

A LRA is a detailed analysis of a sloping site to determine the site’s stability and to establish the requirements for safe construction on the site. The analysis involves onsite and laboratory testing, along with site observations and historical review of the surrounding area to determine the risk of landslip.

The likelihood of landslip is considered
along with the severity of its
consequences, taking into consideration;
possible property damage and any threat
of injury or loss of life to residents and/or the public as a result.

From this, information design guidelines can be given to manage this risk.



The requirement for having a LRA on your site will be set by your local councils. For sites with a slope steeper than 1V:8H it is recommended that you consult your council to see if a LRA is required for your site.

There are certain areas within Victoria that are prone to instability, excessive erosion or slope failure. These areas have been identified by local councils who have designated an Erosion Management Overlay (EMO) over the area. In order to satisfy the planning requirements of this overlay, an LRA is required.

Rock Solid Earth has the expertise to manage and deliver a detailed LRA. By combining the onsite testing for the LRA with the testing required for the Site Classification RSE can save time and money.

All of our LRA’s come with a signed declaration from a Chartered Professional Engineer (CPEng), with a wealth of knowledge and experience with land stability and erosion management across Victoria.